This tutorial has been created to walk you through gathering common data from the IUCN Red List API. In Part 1, we will stay completely within the API by getting a list of species’ assessments directly from the taxon endpoint. In Part 2, we will show you how to import your own list of species’ names and perform the same data gathering steps.
Part 1 - Gather habitats & threats for the felidae
First, you’ll want to load the package into your R session and then initialise a connection to the Red List API. Initialising a connection will require you to have a valid API token. If you don’t already have one, you can sign up for one here.
api <- init_api("your_api_token")
We now need to gather a list of all (latest) assessments whose species belong to the family felidae:
felidae <- assessments_by_taxonomy(api, level = "family", name = "felidae", latest = TRUE)
# A tibble: 52 × 7
sis_taxon_id assessment_id latest year_published scopes_description_en scopes_code url
<int> <int> <lgl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 11638 3299247 TRUE 2010 Mediterranean 4
2 12519 3350985 TRUE 2010 Mediterranean 4
3 15951 5325996 TRUE 2010 Mediterranean 4
4 15954 5328595 TRUE 2010 Mediterranean 4
5 15955 5330476 TRUE 2010 Mediterranean 4
6 3847 10121483 TRUE 2010 Mediterranean 4
7 8540 12915840 TRUE 2010 Mediterranean 4
8 8540 12916263 TRUE 2007 Europe 2
9 8541 12916598 TRUE 2010 Mediterranean 4
10 219 13034035 TRUE 2010 Mediterranean 4
# ℹ 42 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
As our aim is to gather all habitats and threats coded against these assessments, we must now iterate over each unique assessment ID in the above tibble to get that data. Helpfully, there’s a function available to do just that:
# Pass assessment IDs into the assessment_data_many() function
felidae_full <- assessment_data_many(api, assessment_ids = felidae$assessment_id)
After this runs, we will how have full assessment data for all 50 unique assessment IDs (as of time of publication). From here, we can extract the data we are interested in with:
habitats <- extract_element(felidae_full, "habitats")
The extract_element()
function is super helpful. It
returns a tidy dataframe of the element you’re interested; a row for
each unique element and assessment ID for all of the assessments you
gathered full assessment data for:
# A tibble: 452 × 7
index assessment_id majorImportance season suitability description code
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 habitats 3299247 NA NA Suitable Wetlands (inland) - Shrub Dominated Wetlands 5_3
2 habitats 3299247 NA NA Suitable Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude 4_7
3 habitats 3299247 NA NA Suitable Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls) 5_1
4 habitats 3299247 NA NA Suitable Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry 1_5
5 habitats 3299247 NA NA Suitable Savanna - Dry 2_1
6 habitats 3299247 NA NA Suitable Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical Dry 4_5
7 habitats 3299247 NA NA Suitable Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical Seasonally Wet/Flooded 4_6
8 habitats 3350985 NA NA Suitable Shrubland - Boreal 3_3
9 habitats 3350985 NA NA Suitable Shrubland - Subtropical/Tropical Dry 3_5
10 habitats 3350985 NA NA Suitable Shrubland - Temperate 3_4
# ℹ 442 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
You can now do the same for threats:
threats <- extract_element(felidae_full, "threats")
# A tibble: 653 × 13
index assessment_id scope timing internationalTrade score severity ancestry virus ias text description code
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 threats 3299247 NA Ongoing NA Low Impact: 3 NA NA NA NA NA Agro-industry farming 2_1_3
2 threats 3299247 NA Past, Unlikely to Return NA Past Impact NA NA NA NA NA Scale Unknown/Unrecorded 2_3_4
3 threats 3299247 NA Ongoing NA Low Impact: 3 NA NA NA NA NA Nomadic grazing 2_3_1
4 threats 3299247 NA Ongoing NA Low Impact: 3 NA NA NA NA NA Intentional use (species is the target) 5_1_1
5 threats 3299247 NA Ongoing NA Low Impact: 3 NA NA NA NA NA Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming 2_3_3
6 threats 3299247 NA Ongoing NA Low Impact: 3 NA NA NA NA NA Problematic native species/diseases 8_2
7 threats 3299247 NA Ongoing NA Low Impact: 3 NA NA NA NA NA Persecution/control 5_1_3
8 threats 3299247 NA Ongoing NA Low Impact: 3 NA NA NA NA NA Unintentional effects (species is not the target) 5_1_2
9 threats 3299247 NA Ongoing NA Low Impact: 3 NA NA NA NA NA Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming 2_3_2
10 threats 3299247 NA Ongoing NA Low Impact: 3 NA NA NA NA NA Trend Unknown/Unrecorded 7_1_3
# ℹ 643 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
So, how do you know what elements are available for you to extract
data from? The short answer is you can call element_names()
to get them:
[1] "assessment_date" "assessment_id" "assessment_points" "assessment_ranges" "biogeographical_realms" "citation"
[7] "conservation_actions" "conservation_actions_in_place" "credits" "criteria" "errata" "faos"
[13] "growth_forms" "habitats" "latest" "lmes" "locations" "population_trend"
[19] "possibly_extinct" "possibly_extinct_in_the_wild" "red_list_category" "references" "researches" "scopes"
[25] "sis_taxon_id" "stresses" "supplementary_info" "systems" "taxon" "taxon_common_names"
[31] "taxon_ssc_groups" "taxon_synonyms" "threats" "url" "use_and_trade" "year_published"
The long answer is that the element names are simply the named
elements in a parsed assessment data object. So you could just
as well run names(felidae_full[[1]])
to get the same list
of element names.
Pass any of the above element names into
to get a tidy dataframe of those
Part 2 - Gather habitats & threats for a custom list of species
In Part 1, we showed how to stay completely within the API to get habitats and threats for the felidae. What if you have your own list of binomial names?
For the sake of this tutorial, let’s build a quick
with some species in it:
my_species <- dplyr::tibble(genus = c("Panthera", "Diceros", "Cyclura"),
species = c("leo", "bicornis", "pinguis"))
We could get ‘minimal’ assessment data for the first species in our list, just to see what it looks like:
genus = my_species$genus[1],
species = my_species$species[1])
A single species on its own probably isn’t that useful, so let’s write a quick loop to iterate over each Latin binomial and get all the latest global assessments:
assessments <-list()
for(i in 1:nrow(my_species)){
assessments[[i]] <- assessments_by_name(api,
genus = my_species$genus[i],
species = my_species$species[i])
# Unlist into a tibble
a <- dplyr::bind_rows(assessments)
# Filter on latest global assessments
a <- a %>%
dplyr::filter(latest == TRUE & scopes_code == 1)
As before, we can now pass our list of assessment IDs like so:
full_data <- assessment_data_many(api,
We can now extract habitats and threats with:
habitats <- extract_element(full_data, "habitats")
threats <- extract_element(full_data, "habitats")